Specializing in Opening Solutions for Tenant Renovations
Contact UsYour One Source For Quality Workmanship, Complete Solutions & Comprehensive Inventory
With a reputation as the go-to supplier of commercial doors, frames, hardware and Division 10 specialty products, JDS has served Seattle and greater Puget Sound since 1989. Our customer first philosophy and expertise in the industry has made us specialists in the sales, installation, and service of wood, hollow metal and interior aluminum doors and frames. We compliment these products with builder’s hardware, glass and commercial washroom accessories. Our goal is to provide you the lowest cost of ownership of our products through extensive service and competent technical support. Check out our short lead times. We specialize in tenant improvement.

Our end-to-end capability allows us to Cross-SERVE our customers by offering integrated building opening and security solutions from a single partner. Let us show you how Cross-SERVING can benefit you on your next project.

The Cook & Boardman Group – Joining the Industry’s Most Elite | A division of the Cook & Boardman Group
In 2021, JDS was acquired by the Cook & Boardman Group, LLC. As the nation's largest distributor of commercial doors and hardware, as well as one of America's fastest growing systems integrators, we have combined forces to offer comprehensive, Total Opening Solutions products and services.
National Presence. Local service.